Amsterdam Posters Collection
A collection of 16 Public Domain architecture poster images. This is a digital product – you will receive 32 high-resolution files (16 .jpgs, 16 .pngs).
Copyright free for any use, personal or commercial. No physical product will be shipped to you.
View full description below.
These high resolution images have been optimized. Page creases and imperfections have been removed and colors have been adjusted. This image may be used digitally or printed and framed.
- Copyright: Public Domain (May be used for any use, personal or commercial)
- 32 files 16 .jpg 16 .png
- 300 dpi
- RGB color space
- Source: Drawing
- Year: 1870-1937
- Artist: Willem Wenckebach
(1) Amsterdam Door to the Chapel of the Convent of Saint Agnes (Het Portaal van de Agnietenschool aan de Oudezijds Voorburgwal) Poster
- 5076 x 7200 pixels
- 16.9″ x 24″
- .jpg (23.0 MB on white background)
- .png (52.9 MB on white background)
(2) Amsterdam Back Road Gate and Windmill (De Achterweg, Raampoort) Poster
- 5688 x 7200 pixels
- 18.9″ x 24″
- .jpg (24.0 MB on white background)
- .png (61.2 MB on white background)
(3) Amsterdam Spinning House Alley (Spinhuissteeg) Poster
- 4429 x 7200 pixels
- 14.8″ x 24″
- .jpg (18.7 MB on white background)
- .png (51.9 MB on white background)
(4) Amsterdam Little Walloon Square (Walen Pleintje) Poster
- 5068 x 7200 pixels
- 16.8″ x 24″
- .jpg (22.3 MB on white background)
- .png (56.5 MB on white background)
(5) Amsterdam Spanish House on the Corner of Singel and Droogbak (Het Spaanse Huis op Hoek Singel en Droogbak) Poster
- 5677 x 7200 pixels
- 18.9″ x 24″
- .jpg (21.7 MB on white background)
- .png (62.5 MB on white background)
(6) Amsterdam Old Facade of the “Oudezijds Voorburgwal” (Oude gevel aan de Oudezijds Voorburgwal) Poster
- 5289 x 7200 pixels
- 17.6″ x 24″
- .jpg (21.0 MB on white background)
- .png (55.5 MB on white background)
(7) Amsterdam New Church (De Nieuwe Kerk) Poster
- 5005 x 7200 pixels
- 16.7″ x 24″
- .jpg (19.4 MB on white background)
- .png (50.4 MB on white background)
(8) Amsterdam “Onkelboerensteeg” Alley (De Onkel Boeren Steeg) Poster
- 5157 x 7200 pixels
- 17.2″ x 24″
- .jpg (21.2 MB on white background)
- .png (59.8 MB on white background)
(9) Amsterdam White Women Corridor (Wittevrouwengang) Poster
- 4448 x 7200 pixels
- 14.8″ x 24″
- .jpg (20.7 MB on white background)
- .png (52.4 MB on white background)
(10) Amsterdam “Bossche Hofje” Courtyard (Het Hofje aan de Palmgracht) Poster
- 5111 x 7200 pixels
- 17.0″ x 24″
- .jpg (22.4 MB on white background)
- .png (59.6 MB on white background)
(11) Amsterdam “Lage Erf” or “Legersteeg” Alleyway (Lage Erf) Poster
- 5450 x 7200 pixels
- 18.2″ x 24″
- .jpg (23.2 MB on white background)
- .png (63.5 MB on white background)
(12) Amsterdam House with the Heads (Het Huis Met de Hoofden) Poster
- 4546 x 7200 pixels
- 15.2″ x 24″
- .jpg (21.2 MB on white background)
- .png (51.2 MB on white background)
(13) Amsterdam “Zevenkattengang” Alley at the “Goudsbloemgracht” Canal, now “Willemsstraat” (Zevenkattengang bij de Goudsbloemgracht thans Willemstraat) Poster
- 5161 x 7200 pixels
- 17.2″ x 24″
- .jpg (25.8 MB on white background)
- .png (58.7 MB on white background)
(14) Amsterdam “Looijershofje” Courtyard (Looiers Hofje) Poster
- 6008 x 7200 pixels
- 20.0″ x 24″
- .jpg (27.3 MB on white background)
- .png (70.4 MB on white background)
(15) Amsterdam Roses Canal (De Rozengang) Poster
- 4988 x 7200 pixels
- 16.6″ x 24″
- .jpg (22.9 MB on white background)
- .png (54.3 MB on white background)
(16) Amsterdam The Brokers’ Office (Makelaars Societeit) Poster
- 4071 x 7200 pixels
- 13.6″ x 24″
- .jpg (15.5 MB on white background)
- .png (44.8 MB on white background)
***Note: The low resolution sample image on this page may be blurry and/or pixelated from compression. The downloadable versions are high resolution and beautiful!***