Marvelous Mushrooms Collection Volume 1
A collection of 24 Public Domain images of mushrooms from “Herbier de la France” (1780 -1793). This is a digital product – you will receive 24 high-resolution files (24 .pngs).
All images feature background transparency and are ideal for printing on various colors. Copyright free for any use, personal or commercial. No physical product will be shipped to you.
View full description below.
These high resolution images have been optimized. The background page yellowing has been removed, colors have been adjusted and defects and damages fixed. These images may be used digitally on any colored background or printed on t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags or anything else you can think of.
- Copyright: Public Domain (May be used for any use, personal or commercial)
- 24 files 24 .png
- 300 dpi
- RGB color space
- Source: Herbier de la France
- Year: 1780 -1793
- Artist: Pierre Bulliard
(1) Entire Russula Mushroom (Russula Integra)
- 4500 x 4200 pixels
- 15″ x 14″
- .png (14.5MB with transparent background)
(2) Fly Agaric Mushroom (Amanita Muscaria)
- 3000 x 3300 pixels
- 10″ x 11″
- .png (10.0MB with transparent background)
(3) Shaggy Ink Cap Mushroom (Coprinus Comatus)
- 2100 x 4200 pixels
- 7″ x 14″
- .png (9.01MB with transparent background)
(4) Grisette Mushroom (Amanita Vaginata)
- 3900 x 5100 pixels
- 12″ x 15″
- .png (14.2MB with transparent background)
(5) Fried Chicken Mushroom (Lyophyllum Decastes)
- 3900 x 4500 pixels
- 13″ x 15″
- .png (23.2MB with transparent background)
(6) Woolly Milkcap Mushroom (Lactarius Torminosus)
- 3600 x 3900 pixels
- 12″ x 13″
- .png (16.9MB with transparent background)
(7) Aniseed Cockleshell Mushroom (Lentinellus Cochleatus)
- 3000 x 3300 pixels
- 10″ x 11″
- .png (9.47MB with transparent background)
(8) Solitary Amanita Mushroom (Amanita Echinocephala)
- 3600 x 4200 pixels
- 12″ x 14″
- .png (12.9MB with transparent background)
(9) Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom
- 2400 x 3300 pixels
- 8″ x 11″
- .png (9.35MB with transparent background)
(10) Inky Cap Mushrooms (Coprinopsis Atramentaria)
- 3600 x 4200 pixels
- 12″ x 14″
- .png (19.1MB with transparent background)
(11) Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes Versicolor)
- 3600 x 4200 pixels
- 12″ x 14″
- .png (16.8MB with transparent background)
(12) Hygrocybe Murinacea Mushroom
- 3900 x 5100 pixels
- 13″ x 17″
- .png (18.5MB with transparent background)
(13) Scarlet Waxcap Mushroom (Hygrocybe Coccinea)
- 3600 x 4200 pixels
- 12″ x 14″
- .png (11.1MB with transparent background)
(14) Magpie Inkcap Fungus (Coprinopsis Picacea)
- 1800 x 4200 pixels
- 6″ x 14″
- .png (6.79MB with transparent background)
(15) Spindleshank Mushroom (Gymnopus fusipes)
- 2400 x 3000 pixels
- 8″ x 10″
- .png (8.37MB with transparent background)
(16) Chanterelle Mushroom (Cantharellus Cibarius)
- 3600 x 3900 pixels
- 12″ x 13″
- .png (12.4MB with transparent background)
(17) Slimy Spike Cap Mushroom (Gomphidius Glutinosus)
- 3600 x 3600 pixels
- 12″ x 12″
- .png (14.8MB with transparent background)
(18) Morel Mushroom (Morchella, True Morel)
- 2100 x 3000 pixels
- 7″ x 10″
- .png (7.75MB with transparent background)
(19) Violet Webcap Mushroom (Cortinarius Violaceus)
- 3600 x 4500 pixels
- 12″ x 15″
- .png (11.8MB with transparent background)
(20) Mica Cap Mushroom (Coprinellus Micaceus)
- 3300 x 3600 pixels
- 11″ x 12″
- .png (17.2MB with transparent background)
(21) Rooting Poison Pie Mushroom (Hebeloma Radicosum)
- 3300 x 4200 pixels
- 11″ x 14″
- .png (14.0MB with transparent background)
(22) Weeping Widow Mushroom (Lacrymaria Lacrymabunda)
- 3300 x 4200 pixels
- 11″ x 14″
- .png (11.1MB with transparent background)
(23) Tulosesus Congregatus Mushroom
- 2100 x 2100 pixels
- 7″ x 7″
- .png (5.13MB with transparent background)
(24) Red-Banded Cortinarius Mushroom (Cortinarius Armillatus)
- 2700 x 3600 pixels
- 9″ x 12″
- .png (9.17MB with transparent background)
***Note: The low resolution sample image on this page may be blurry and/or pixelated from compression. The downloadable versions are high resolution and beautiful!***